I looked up, and Nick Swisher's face was on my TV! And it was a sitcom. What the?? I had to back up the DVR to confirm it, and sure as hell- there he was! Goofy as ever.
This reminded me that I was going to start teasing some of the cartoons I contributed to a book that will be available later this month. The book is White Sox Outsider 2010. The front cover was created by me. The back cover was created by me, and the guts have some mighty-nice never-before-seen cartoons, as well. To the left, you see Nick Swisher and his trade-value-equivalent. This is the title page for Section 1 of the book.
White Sox Outsider 2010 is written by Jim Margalus, sole proprietor of Sox Machine.The 2009 Outsider book was incredible and the 2010 edition should be the same, but with pretty drawings.